Wednesday, April 4, 2007

finished my damn internals was jus another proof that i cant write.i was sitting there an thinkin about the next topic 4 my blog.but the lady in the class was staring at me so i did write somethin in the damn booklet. i think i`ll end up gettin single digit in some of the subs.the main reason behind me thinkin abt the blog while writin the paper was that ,gettin 4 comments here is a lot better that gettin 7 or 8 marks there.
my marks last sem were 7,7,10 in one sub.(these marks are out of not that bad).the reason the lecturer gave me for these low marks was that technical terms were missing.the lecturers with 10 years of experience each(they make sure that they mention it atleast once in a class) get notes to the class while teaching, which contains all the "technical terms".they cannot remember the technical words of a single subject that they we are expected to remember all the technical words of all the 6 damn subjects( with zero years experience in each subject).IS THIS FAIR?

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