Thursday, October 15, 2009


Hey PS work again. Comments would help.


Harishankaran said...

I like the first one :)

CpBhagvan said...

i like the 3rd one..2nd seems a bit sour..1st looks like actual cryin..3rd appears to be strainin and bit artificial :)i like dat

shyamvenky said...

i like the brown one.. simply coz i ve brown eyes too :P

Bodhayan said...

2nd 1 .. :)

shilpa said...

Brown eye is my fav coz that was the 1st 1 but Hari and others confused me that the eye had a wierd orientation. I had to create the 1st and 3rd

Arrchana Raj said...

1st one's tears is scientifically incorrect ;)... tears start at the tear glands....2nd one is disoriented... 3rd one is better...quite believable tear....