Tuesday, March 29, 2011

- Some of the Indian authors are very good. Its fun to read indian books. It might not be all-poetic with weird words in it but its nice. All that matters is - I can relate to the book. Reading, Small lil' things, when marriage is made in comedy circus currently

- Sev Puri is my new love...

- It so happens that whenever I am ready for the worse the WORST happens. THE WORST. I hate it :(

- Wonder how long distance relationships work. Some great person once told me "out of sight is out of mind". My long distance relationship is not working.......aaaah with my team in hyd. I am next to invisible, which is good and bad.

- I am doing everything that I once refrained my enemies from doing...nailpolish, lens, beauty Salon...yes I said the B word. What has the world come to?

- Waiting for the match between India - Pak tomo. Makkla India solli..

- Why can't things for a change happen the way I want it to. HUH...

- Broken promises hurt me because I just believed in them again.

- I miss watching Kyunki saaas bhi kabhi...I was loving it. ee kap-kapi thara hosa serial bandhu che nam ekta kapoor angadi muchkond hodhlu.

- I love simpsons. :)


Anusha said...

I love Simpsons too !! :D

And what book are u reading eh ? Swalpa namgu heli....

shilpa said...

Read a book called "DORK" - a funny book. It is actually some fresher's diary. :)
"Rebirth" - full sad story. Its nice.
"when Marriage is made in Comedy Circus" - reading it. So far so good.
"Small lil' things" - kinda weird. A guy's love life from L.K.G to now.

all i feel, all i think ! said...

"Out of sight is out of mind " :( :( - I am also facing the wrath of it.Hope it ends soon!

"Small lil' things" - I also started it sometime back,really irritating at the beginning!I wanted to give that to you after I read :P I dont know where I have thrown it now !!